This is a compilation of all things Jim Haynes. Various verses, ditties and doggerel, history and humour, opinions and observations – a window into Jim’s varied career and abilities.
Perhaps I’m Sentimental contains over 60 of the verses Jim wrote or recited to go with topics he discussed on 2GB (and 2UE) in Sydney and on 6PR in Perth over the last quarter of a century. There are also lots of photographs, along with some Sydney history, childhood memories, humour and home-spun philosophy. This book will bring back memories of travelling on steam trains, outdoor dunnies, choko vines and schooldays – plus some of Jim’s history as a songwriter and regular performer at festivals like the Port Fairy Folk Festival, Stone the Crows Festival and, of course, JIm’s long career as a professional performer and broadcaster and his 33 years hosting his Morning Variety Shows at the Tamworth Country Music Festival.