23       Seeing Sydney Harbour – The artistic depiction of ‘the finest harbour in the world’ from 1788 to the present is an enlightening journey through the history of art genres, the harbour itself, the city of Sydney and the artists who were drawn to it: convicts, naval men, soldiers, surveyors, scientists and artists both famous and forgotten. Over 200 images help show you why the harbour has fascinated artists from convict amateurs to Conrad Martens, Arthur Streeton, Tom Roberts, Roland Wakelin, Brett Whitely, Ken Done and 100 more.


24       The Life and Art of Norman Lindsay (and His Siblings) – Five of the ten Lindsay children became renowned artists. Jim discusses the life and art of an amazing Australian ‘workaholic’ who gave Australia a sense of aesthetic and ‘culture’. Lindsay was a major influence on artists and writers and shocked the wowsers and narrow minded. His artistic output makes you tired to contemplate!

(These are longer talks with more images)