There are few people who know more about our Aussie heritage, humour, history, art and verse than Jim Haynes,
- Entertainer
- Author
- Speaker
- Broadcaster
- Humourist
- Historian
- Art Lover
who specialises in all things Australian.
Welcome to the website. How times have changed! These days I write more, work as a guest speaker and give author talks.
I no longer tour like I used to, though I still perform on Morning Melodies shows, seniors concerts, variety shows and at various festivals. My radio spot, which has been has been going for 17 years, is now on the Macquarie radio national network.
If you want any of my books or cd’s, there is a simple order form and you can email me anytime, or contact me for speaking engagements.
If you would like to be kept up-to-date with Jim’s talks, gigs and other activities, please click below and make sure you fill out your name and email address.
Jim Haynes OAM